Saturday, January 27, 2007

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

My mom went to a food warehouse sale somewhere around my area this this morning and there were a hell lot of food sold for cheap cos their expiring soon. So mummy dearest bought so much cereal, oats and chocolate spread to last a lifetime! Hahaha! Heaven, since i love breakfast food. And my cousin from Indonesia came down and brought a whole friggin box of my favorite potato chips from there. Wheee! I'm not surprised if I'll put on weight because of OD-ing from breakfast food and junk food!

My darling beloved cousin Nicky's leaving for Auckland tmrw night to further her studies, and it's a total bummer! We're like, partners in crime when it comes to hogging up food during family gatherings. Especially during the festive season. Now what would i do without her. There won't b anyone to smack the crap outta me when i do stupid things in life. Well i'm not surprised if she sends me and e-slap from there. Hehe! I'll be sending her to the airport tmrw and i have a feeling I'll be flooding the airport with tears :_(

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