Saturday, January 27, 2007

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

My mom went to a food warehouse sale somewhere around my area this this morning and there were a hell lot of food sold for cheap cos their expiring soon. So mummy dearest bought so much cereal, oats and chocolate spread to last a lifetime! Hahaha! Heaven, since i love breakfast food. And my cousin from Indonesia came down and brought a whole friggin box of my favorite potato chips from there. Wheee! I'm not surprised if I'll put on weight because of OD-ing from breakfast food and junk food!

My darling beloved cousin Nicky's leaving for Auckland tmrw night to further her studies, and it's a total bummer! We're like, partners in crime when it comes to hogging up food during family gatherings. Especially during the festive season. Now what would i do without her. There won't b anyone to smack the crap outta me when i do stupid things in life. Well i'm not surprised if she sends me and e-slap from there. Hehe! I'll be sending her to the airport tmrw and i have a feeling I'll be flooding the airport with tears :_(

Friday, January 26, 2007

So I'm new...?!

Just before creating my blog i wonder what's the purpose of having a blog. After working my brain for this little bit of information, i figured it's like writing in a diary. The difference is that it's online and others can read it. So i questioned myself why would i wanna have a diary that everyone reads when i could just get a nice journal i can actually write in with a real pen? I think it's because people wanna share their thoughts and experiences with others. And some people wanna express their emotions and feelings and let go of some things but they don't have enough courage to voice out, so they write in blogs in hopes of someone who will understand the situation their in. And there are also things that you can't share with your best friend or boyfriend like secrets that they shudn't know about you.

So i realized, all the above are the exact reasons why i wanna blog. I wanna put everything that's jamming in my head into words. And since 2007 has only begun, i think it's the perfect timing to start a book(or somewhat) about this crazy life.

Since it's a small world after all, I've decided to give nicknames to the people that i mention in my blog for confidential purposes ;P Anyway, just for the record, here's a lil sumn bout me. I'm turning 22 mid this year, i'm still studying in a local college for my diploma, i live with my parents, have a boyfriend that i've been together with for 3 crazy "full-of-drama" years. Other bits of info could be viewed on the right panel, thank you :) *Cheers*